Tuesday 23th November
the beginning of the END!
The anticipation is finally over!
Harry Potter was in its ultimate glory tonight!
With a few of the melbournian mates we set of to see what was
the beginning of the end, and by jolly gosh was it a good one!...
*Notice my over-exageration use of explanation marks?* !!!
my hands were clasped throughout most of the movie, and I have to admit
that I had ONE startled moment... lol... and I noticed that the ones
around me did too haha... not to mention any names (Sharon & Caroline) haha
R.I.P Dobbie Hp7
Hands down by far the movie of the year!
always good to see Belatrix being her mental self...
this is also the first time we see Malfoys mother appear... you can
see how much of a wreck she is only because she knows
Valdemort would use her son to get to potter.
Hermione and Ron are still going through their confusing sexual
vibes, they so want each other but their pride is still their biggest enemy.
ginny makes her move onto potter ahaha...
and poor dobbie takes the knife for the team...
But here is what happened prior to all the excitement!!!
It will probs be in Hawaii!!!!!!!
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