Wednesday, November 3, 2010

scripture reading...

Recently I've joined an unofficial reading club held at Kose's house, basically what we do is get together every Tuesday night, read scriptures and have a discussion on what we have read, give insights to help each other out on basic understanding of Gospel Principles. In a way this group has helped me to stay on track with reading my scriptures, which is what I really need. After discussing questions about certain subjects I became conscience of a question I had on the mission which I never really found a satisfying answer to. Even if I don't, I'll be content with that but doing a little study and research I have come to found my answer and its what I am sticking with until I receive different revelation other wise.
QUESTION: Who do I get sealed to if my parents divorce?

I found this awesome website called LDS WHY and it pretty much gave me the answer to that question! JACKPOT!

Upon stumbling across this website I just had to read some real life stories of those who are going through this or have been through this or something with similar situations. Personally nothing like this has happened to me or to anyone I know, but its just something that I have wanted to know for myself, I've done the research and have come to this conclusion, which I have exerted out of the LDS WHY website.
Remember that this is an answer to my question and upon my research.

"God is a kind, loving Heavenly Father. He will make sure your sealing situation works out well. Don’t worry if your sealing situation doesn’t have an answer right now. God will make sure you receive the blessings you are worthy of. Elder Dallin H. Oaks taught, “Singleness, childlessness, death, and divorce frustrate ideals and postpone the fulfillment of promised blessings…But these frustrations are only temporary. The Lord has promised that in the eternities no blessing will be denied his sons and daughters who keep the commandments…and desire what is right (Ensign, Nov. 1993, 75)." - Ensign Article - “The Great Plan of Happiness” by Elder Dallin H. Oaks
If you want more articles about this subject then go to


  1. OMG mau this is sooo mee... I've always wondered who I would be sealed too.. and if I would still be a covenant's amazing how simple the answer can be... luv it

  2. glad that this question/post helped!!!
